

来源:YT新媒体  文章作者:佚名

Paolo Veronese Venus Disarming Cupid
Paolo Veronese Venus Disarming Cupid
Pierre Mignard Time Clipping Cupid‘s Wings
Pierre Mignard Time Clipping Cupid‘s Wings
 Pompeo Batoni Diane et l‘Amour 
Pompeo Batoni Diane et l‘Amour
 Pedro Orrente  The Sacrifice of Isaac  
Pedro Orrente  The Sacrifice of Isaac 
 Yashoda Chastises Her Foster Son 
Yashoda Chastises Her Foster Son
William Robinson The Chastised Pupil
William Robinson The Chastised Pupil
Wilhelm Schütze The Reckless Pupil
Wilhelm Schütze The Reckless Pupil
Titien Un enfant donnant la fessée à un autre enfant
Titien Un enfant donnant la fessée à un autre enfant
Max Ernst La Vierge corrigeant l‘enfant Jésus devant trois témoins
Max Ernst La Vierge corrigeant l‘enfant Jésus devant trois témoins
Jan van Bijlert  Venus Chastising Cupid
Jan van Bijlert  Venus Chastising Cupid
Louis Joseph Watteau Venus Chastising Cupid
Louis Joseph Watteau Venus Chastising Cupid
Johann George B?hm Venus Chastising Cupid
Johann George B?hm Venus Chastising Cupid
Jean Saurien Chronos coupant les ailes de Cupidon
Jean Saurien Chronos coupant les ailes de Cupidon
Jan Steen School teacher
Jan Steen School teacher
 Jan Walraven Getting his punishment
Jan Walraven Getting his punishment
Maria Theresa with her children
Maria Theresa with her children
Théodule-Augustin Ribot  Le supplice d‘Alonso Cano
Théodule-Augustin Ribot  Le supplice d‘Alonso Cano
Jan Steen  School teacher
Jan Steen  School teacher
Guercino  Chronos Admonishes Eros, in the presence of Aphrodite and MarsFrancis
Guercino  Chronos Admonishes Eros, in the presence of Aphrodite and MarsFrancis
William Edmonds  The two culprits
William Edmonds  The two culprits
Ferdinand de Braekeleer  The grappe thief
Ferdinand de Braekeleer  The grappe thief
Demetrio Cosola  Altar Servers Caught In Act
Demetrio Cosola  Altar Servers Caught In Act
Camillo Mantovano  The Chastisement of Love
Camillo Mantovano  The Chastisement of Love
 Ernie Barnes  Grandma‘s Hands
Ernie Barnes  Grandma‘s Hands
Bartolomeo Manfredi  Mars Chastising Cupid
Bartolomeo Manfredi  Mars Chastising Cupid
Alexander Hohenlohe  Burr Jenkin’s School
Alexander Hohenlohe  Burr Jenkin’s School
Alessandro Varotari  Venus chastising Cupid
Alessandro Varotari  Venus chastising Cupid
 Agostino Carracci  Venus Chastising Cupid 
Agostino Carracci  Venus Chastising Cupid 
 Alan Lawrence Traditional discipline
Alan Lawrence Traditional discipline
A mother giving her child a spanking
A mother giving her child a spanking
Adrien Ferdinand de Braekeleer  Belgian School
Adrien Ferdinand de Braekeleer  Belgian School

·上一篇文章:揭秘神秘的古埃及壁画 高清
